Prepare for Prom by Growing Healthier Hair! Here's How!

You probably have a long checklist of tasks to finish to prepare for prom. You need to get an outfit, make dinner reservations, and decide what hairstyle you want to wear at the big event.
You might think you have plenty of time to get your hair looking just how you want it. Really, though, you should start working on it now. That's because nutrition plays a critical role in hair health. If you make changes to your diet now, you should have healthier hair by the time prom gets here.
Nutrition for Thicker Hair
You look forward to prom, but you might also feel a little anxious about the dance. Combine those feelings with other stressors high school students live with, and you have a recipe that could lead to thinning hair.
Managing stress can help. So, does eating foods rich in iron, vitamin B12, riboflavin, protein, and biotin.
Ensure you get plenty of these nutrients by adding the following foods to your meals:
Leafy greens like kale and spinach
Strawberries, blueberries, and other fresh berries
Sweet potatoes
Beans (nearly any type of bean has the protein and other nutrients you need for thick, lustrous hair)
Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids (including salmon and mackerel)
Make sure you include these foods in meals throughout the week, so you get all of the nutrition your body needs for beautiful, thick hair.
Foods for Shiny Hair
Do you want shiny hair that looks gorgeous on prom night? Start organic foods like:
Chia seeds, which contain a lot of protein and omega-3 fatty acids
Lemon, which will give your body the vitamin C it needs to produce more collagen for improved hair health
Whole grains, including farro and oats
Tomatoes, which contain tons of vitamins A and C
You might notice that the foods listed above will add several colors to your plate. That's a good thing. Eating a rainbow of colors usually means eating a healthy diet.
Drink Plenty of Water
Don't forget to hydrate! Drinking enough water will help prevent split ends and improve practically every area of hair health.
Yes, there are plenty of products you can use to add moisture directly to your hair. Some work well, but nothing beats nourishing your hair from the root.
Start Growing Healthier Hair Now
It will take time for dietary changes to improve your hair health and looks. Get started now by eating diverse meals, carrying nutritious snacks, and choosing water over sugary drinks.
If you’re dealing with hair loss, contact New-U today. To schedule a free consultation, click here.
Photo Credit: atlantis0815 Via Pixabay